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When installed Trojan Remover sets up a Scheduled Task to check for Updates daily. Updates will be downloaded and installed automatically.


You can manually check for updates by clicking on the "Update" button in Trojan Remover's main menu or by selecting "Help > Check for Updates" from the main menu. This will launch the Trojan Remover Updater. You need to ensure that you are already connected to the Internet before checking for updates. If you use a firewall then you will need to ensure that your firewall allows "Trojan Remover Updater" to access the Internet.


Trojan Remover's Updater program

Trojan Remover's Updater program


The Updater will check to see if there are any Program or Database updates available. If there are you will be offered the option to downloaded the update(s). Clicking on the Update button on the Updater screen starts the update. All files needed for the update are downloaded and automatically installed, and where necessary registry information is updated. Normally Trojan Remover can update itself without requiring a reboot, but if a reboot is necessary then you will be prompted, and the update will be completed once you have rebooted.


See also:

Scheduling Automatic Update Checks